There is a reason I have discussed the writings of contemporary socio-philosophical thinker Byung-chul Han. Through his short, poetic and insightful books since “The Fatigue Society” 2015 to his later books such as “Vita Contemplativa”, “Scent of Time”, “The Loss of Narrative” and “The Palliative Society”, to mention a few, I see no other Continental philosopher communicating such a clear critique of our society. Ofcourse he is not always right. But at least he connects our meta-crisis of meaning to the experience of emptiness that a highly digitised, self-exploitative and constantly dopaminergically depleted society we have found ourself in. I bring philosophers to your attention that I consider insightful and helpful to the improvement of mental health. Psychiatry has always been a grandchild of philosophy. The ability to discuss who and what we are is essential to what CG Jung calls wholeness and Individuation.